Thursday, February 4, 2010

pick up where we left off and get smashed (again)

You know when you go to a restaurant and coffee shop, and you always end up seeing the same waitress or barista? It takes you a while to get their name but eventually you do.

From the other side of the counter, we see our interaction with you as a welcome break from the monotony of standing at the espresso machine pulling shots and steaming milk all day long. It's nice when you are open to trying new things, but nicer when you know what you like and have your favorites. I will confess that I often cannot remember people's names, but myself (and most baristas) quickly get to recognize people who regularly order the same thing.

Even if we do inwardly smile and think "Hey, it's white chocolate raspberry mocha and a piece of coffee cake guy!"

I don't really understand how people get to find out that their most favorite thing in the world is an medium orange mocha with amaretto and 3 shots with whipped cream, or a 4 shot iced americano "with the ice first!!!" or a dry breve vanilla cappuccino (though, to be honest, I don't understand how anyone finds a dry cappuccino to be their favorite thing. ick). There seem to be an infinite number of variables involved.

Then again, there will be the odd time when I make something for myself that involves so many adjectives I am almost ashamed at the prissiness of my drink. Large 2 shot iced cherry almond mocha with whipped cream?

Don't mind if I do!

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